He starts as the perfect gentleman/dream guy. He will have all his peacock feathers on full display. Her family will encourage her, “wow. You finally met prince charming” . However then starts the name calling and belittling, he reinforces her insecurities and exploits them. If she thinks she is fat – he will remind her […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elitsed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Join Our NewsletterDear Person Who Wrote The Open Letter to Target:
Dear Person Who Wrote The Open Letter to Target: Feel free to agree or disagree with the politics and policies regarding public restrooms. That is your perogative. However, it is incredibly cruel and ignorant to assume that transgender people have any need when going into a restroom other than clearing their bladders, checking their Facebook […]
Stop saying, I’m #$*&$ Sensitive
Recently, On more than one occasion I have been accused of being “too sensitive”. I always get surprised when someone says that I am sensitive, I had never thought of myself that way… and now PTSD has turned me into an over sensitive cry baby. I had to learn to let things roll off my […]
Domestic Violence – Sometimes the Recovery is more painful than the abuse
It has been a little over three years since I left an abusive marriage. I always thought that leaving would be the hardest thing that I would ever have to do – yet now, three years later, I am at the conclusion that recovering from the years of abuse trauma is significantly more difficult. During […]
Speak The Truth Even If Your Voice Shakes
Listen. Look. Don’t speak. Be quiet. Can you hear in his footsteps he is angry? What did you do? Where has the light gone from his eyes? The tension in his body. Can you feel it, even when he is not hitting you? The pain. The words. You can’t run, you can’t fight. Don’t try, […]