Recently, On more than one occasion I have been accused of being “too sensitive”. I always get surprised when someone says that I am sensitive, I had never thought of myself that way… and now PTSD has turned me into an over sensitive cry baby. I had to learn to let things roll off my […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elitsed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Join Our NewsletterDomestic Violence – Sometimes the Recovery is more painful than the abuse
It has been a little over three years since I left an abusive marriage. I always thought that leaving would be the hardest thing that I would ever have to do – yet now, three years later, I am at the conclusion that recovering from the years of abuse trauma is significantly more difficult. During […]
Why the Bloomingdale’s “Spike your Best Friend’s Drink” aka date-rape ad is a problem…
Why the Bloomingdale’s “Spike your Best Friend’s Drink” aka date-rape ad is a problem… So by now – you probably gather that I feel strongly in disfavor over the Bloomingdale ad. An ad that portrays A woman, laughing, head tossed back, focused on something over her right shoulder. A man stares at her, unsmiling. The […]
Revisiting #WhyIStayed – two years post abuse
Facebook likes to remind me of memories. Today it reminded me of this Mic article, “19 #WhyIStayed Tweets That Everyone Needs to See” – If you haven’t seen/read that article make sure you do! Here are some of the tweets (both current and from a year ago) that really hit home for me. I stayed […]
Stop Survivor Pity
If you have not been living in a cave during the past two-or-so weeks, you have probably heard of the Duggar drama. Facebook and Twitter blew up with people on both sides of the issue (Yeh, I know, I don’t even understand how this issue even has more than one side) Regardless the media onslaught […]
The Boy Snapped Her Bra – and the Girl Did Exactly What She Was Supposed to do.
I ran across this story on my Facebook feed this morning, and I wanted to find out more – like who was it, where was the school, where was this story originally published. If you have not seen it yet – here is the jest – Mom of a teenage girl gets called away from […]
It is Bigger than Hypocrisy – the REAL problem with the Duggar Sexual Abuse
I get it. Hypocrites suck. However, they are everywhere; in every religion, in every wing of politics, in various socio-economic sections… Moreover, every time we see someone acting hypocritically we want to call them out on it. For some reason, it makes us all feel better. However, in the case with the Duggars – there […]
[Video] How we turned the tide on Domestic Violence
When Esta Soler lobbied for a bill outlawing domestic violence in 1984, one politician called it the “Take the Fun Out of Marriage Act.” “If only I had Twitter then,” she mused. This sweeping, optimistic talk charts 30 years of tactics and technologies — from the Polaroid camera to social media — that led to a […]